Like many things in life, music builds upon a foundation of theory, technique, and performance; all of which are needed to progress as an artist. Integrity provides the opportunities students need to further their experiences and growth in both group vocals and worship team collaboration.
K4-K5 & 1st-2nd Grades
Basic rhythms, singing together and common pitches are the foundational building blocks of a growing love for music. Each student explores these skills through their time together in a fun, worshipful environment.
3rd-4th & 5th-6th Grades
As students grow in their musicality, additional training with tonal control and pitch orientation are key. Students in this class learn how to harmonize, blend with fellow classmates and navigate more advanced techniques using dynamics and unique chord structures. A variety of rhythm instruments, handbells and other mediums will be introduced and explored.
7th-12th Grade - Music
Students who love to sing will mature in their musicianship by learning to read various rhythms, lead sheets, and chord sheets, and demonstrate mastery in vocal blending and intervals while enjoying the fun of music. Music appreciation will also be a component of this class along with instrument engagement and even student composition. At advanced levels, a unique feature of this class will be to involve the students at variety of community event to share their talents and minister to their community.
Note: Participation in this group should not replace the value of private voice or instrument lessons as they are critical to the development of the individual's skill and ability to grow in their musicianship.
7th-12th Grade - Worship Band
Creating a worship band with both instruments and vocals is both a challenging and rewarding opportunity for ISA students. Students with instrument training will be able to run through various set lists, engage with the vocals and learn the flow of a worship band. Instruments needed: drums/cajon/rhythm, bass guitar, acoustic guitar, piano/keys and other potential instruments. At advanced levels, a unique feature of the worship band will be to employ the band at requesting church events/services to share their talents and minister to their community.
Note: Worship Band participation is based on availability of instrument and vocal positions. An audition process will take place at the beginning of the school year for the formation of the band to gel and unify their gifts and abilities.